Sunday, September 14, 2008

September 14--Getting Settled In

I haven't posted in a couple weeks mainly because we've been busy trying to get settled back into our usual fall routine. It hasn't been easy as I ended up getting a really awful cold/sinus infection just as I was getting over the jet lag. Michael, too, caught it just as he was getting over his stomach bug, and I'm thrilled to say that now Nicholas has caught both at the same time. Poor thing--he tries to be so stoic but ends up being fairly pathetic. Is it awful to enjoy your normally rambunctious sick toddler wanting nothing other than to cuddle on your lap? So far, Sophia is staying healthy, although we've had some difficulty with naps lately that I think is due to her front teeth being about to push through on top. She has made friends with three babysitters and the workers in the church nursery. She is starting to be pretty sad when I drop her off, which I think is a good thing--that means she prefers to be with us and not other people. But she is also fairly social, so usually warms up to people quickly. As far as her development goes, she has learned to roll over, which she practices repeatedly, and has learned several new games, including peek-a-boo. She is no longer stationary, although she hasn't yet figured out how to crawl. Right now she just scoots herself along the ground army-style--or like a snake--whichever analogy you prefer. The fall schedule is busier than ever, and I'm learning to pick and choose what things I can do--Michael is so great about stepping in to give me a little time out with friends once a week or so. He has become very adept at bathing two kids at once--and he and Nicholas are having lots of fun playing trains while I give Sophia her nighttime bottle and put her down. I finally uploaded all of our photos from the trip--here is a sampler for you!

1 comment:

Kimberly Tripp said...

I loved seeing all your pictures and reading all your posts from August! I'm so happy for you all and can't wait to meet Sophia, hopefully soon! When will she be 1? Seems like her 1st birthday must be close to Joshua's 2nd.